Thursday, December 1, 2011

Are You Looking for More?

John 7:31 And many of the people believed on him, and said, When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done?

Most of us know, that during the time Jesus ministered and preached on this earth, that he raised the ire of his contemporary religious leaders. So much so that the next verse tells us that the Jews sought to take him.

During the feast of tabernacles, Jesus went into the temple to teach and many marveled because he did not have any formal education. He then gets into a discussion with those in the temple. For some, he made more angry and others believed him to be who he claimed to be.

But our discussion is on the last part of the verse. For those that believed on Jesus in the temple, they asked this rhetorical question:

....When Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done?

Basically they were asking, if Jesus is not the Christ, and you expect “another Christ” to come from God, what more...What better could possibly be done by the “real Christ” that Jesus isn’t doing? In other words, Jesus IS the Christ because, you can’t get better than him!

I think they are right! So why do more people not become followers of Jesus? What do you think is going to be better? The world? Sin? Do you think that there is anything in this world that is going to surpass forgiveness of sins? A relationship with the Creator? The hope of eternal life?

A better question yet? For those that have become christians in the past, and are not living up to the commitment that you previously made...Are you looking for something better? Really? You know that Jesus is the Son of God. You know the power that comes with God on your side! You know the power of prayer! You know the benefits of being a child of God! And you are risking that for what?

Nothing that the world has to offer can possibly be better than the blessings of God. In short...if Jesus cannot satisfy your needs in this life...You will NEVER find satisfaction or happiness!

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