Mark 8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
This Characteristic of being Jesus’ disciple is the most literal to the word follower. In this passage he commands his disciples to follow him. What does it mean to follow? I think Jesus’ use of this word is very much like the behaviors of playing the children’s game “Follow-the-Leader”. If the leader stops and jumps up and down, then everyone behind is required to do the same thing in a manner that as closely mimics the leader as possible. If the leader begins to run, then everyone else runs as well. Notice in the game, three separate things are being followed
1. The pathway or direction of the leader
2. The Leader’s Specific actions
3. The Leader’s particular mannerisms
This is exactly the concept that Jesus is intending to portray of his followers. It is quite literally putting into action the teachings that we have heard and learned. Notice...
1 Peter 2:21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:
There is a couple of key points that need to be emphasized. First notice that Jesus’ life was lived in such a manner that it was INTENDED to be an example for us follow. We are not to look at Jesus just as the Son of God that was the perfect and spotless lamb of God. But equally he was human. He endured the difficulties, disappointments, worries, shame, frustrations and temptation that we must endure. And yet he endured in such a manner that if we emulate him, we will continually please God.
But secondly, Peter tells us that we are to follow in his STEPS. Have you ever noticed that word? We are not just to follow in a vague direction as him. It is not good enough to have a similar philosophical outlook as Jesus. We are to follow in his immediate footsteps. That implies that we are to manage our life to imitate Jesus’ actions, behaviors and even our thoughts to such minute detail that we are walking in his very footprints.
Can we really call ourselves followers of Christ if behave, act and react in life in a manner that draws someone to think that we are not Christ like? Certainly Not. We therefore, as his disciples. MUST be CHRIST like.
Reflecting the SON,
Dennis Hogan
12 Hours of Jesus is a community focused effort to teach the world more about Jesus. Our first event is May 10th in Radcliff Kentucky.
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